Thinking of Kit as something more broad and impactful was easy. I began searching any connections it can have with adoption agencies and the process it takes to not only adopt a dog or cat, but to raise it as well. After extensive research on the topic, including a competitor’s audit, a poll, driving to animal shelters, I figured out Kit’s mission and positioning. With the target market in mind, I began sketching and exploring logo marks. Ultimately, what fit Kit the best was a typographical logo with a simple dog tag as the dot of the ‘i’. Moving on with the application, I wanted an experience where the user relied on the app to keep track of essential information for the kitten, as well as being a source of help in times of need. While Kit strayed far from the original packaging concept, the overall message of adoption, education and love still resonates.
The app is specifically geared towards cat and dog owners who want to take that extra step and be more attentive in their pet’s lives. With this concept in mind, I had to create an application that was simple to use, intuitive and efficient. I maintained the color scheme of the brand throughout the app, as well as the brand image treatment for the buttons. It was important that I had a consistent menu bar running across the bottom so the users can be directed to either Home, Profile, and Settings. As seen with the wireframing, the screens are all interwoven, with the user never having to click more than two times for a page. 
The Kit app begins with a menu that allows the user to choose between the Tracker, Assistance, Resources or Shop, designed in four big squares. As you scroll down a bit, there will be an option to go Premium which would ideally activate more robust features compared to the standard. The main menu will also include news articles or any important information relevant to the industry. 
The main feature, Tracker, allows the user to document the vaccination records of their pet, their daily diets, and activity. Each section is expands into a data input, where users can select and type out specific details. The data is then collected and presented on their respective dashboards. For activities, they calculate not only time spent exercising but also if they went outside to relieve themselves and many more customizable options. 
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